Friday, January 30, 2015

Last Person to Leave - Please Destroy the Gate

OK. That's it. Inflategate? Inflate - gate? Seriously? Somebody messes with some NFL footballs and we have to hear about Inflategate for two straight weeks?

Forty-plus years after Watergate -- why is it that we are so insistent upon putting the suffix "gate" after every single controversy or scandal?

Nannygate, Troopergate, Bridgegate, Fangate, Antennaegate, Memogate...
Give me a breakgate, will ya?

This NFL scandal rears its gately head leading up to the Superbowl, which of course brings to mind Janet Jackson and ... wait for it... Nipplegate! Right? OK, I admit it - Nipplegate is one of my favorite gates of all time. Least favorite? No contest. Say it with me... "Weinergate." Uh, appreciate that, Anthony, but nobody wants to see your junk. Thanks for playing.

Remember Gates Brown, the old Detroit Tigers slugger? How about Antonio Gates, the Chargers dynamic Tight End? Happy to say I don't recall any controversy surrounding those guys. There was though, a different "Gategate" to get all warm and fuzzy about. Wikipedia describes that one as a 2012 incident in which UK political row's Andrew Mitchell allegedly called a policeman a "pleb", after he was asked to use a secondary GATE to leave Downing Street on his bicycle. This "-gate" scandal, gushes the website, is noteworthy for actually involving a gate. (Pause for applause.)

And of course, we can all be thankful that every bit of information on Wikipedia is dead-on accurate. We wouldn't want a Wikigate, would we? Of course not, but something tells me its just a matter of time.

Enjoy the Superbowl, people. And lets hope and pray for no controversy!